5 Minutes for Kenyon?
At Kenyon we depend on your gifts of time and attention as well as financial support. If you have just five minutes, you can make an important contribution to this campaign. We encourage you to complete one of the activities below designed to spark career conversations between students and alumni, identify future Kenyon students, and keep you informed and connected about all things Kenyon.
Get Involved
Ways You Can Help Make a Difference in Our Path Forward.
Pay It Forward
Alumni are an invaluable source of career advice to students, and an essential element to what makes the Kenyon experience so rewarding. Support students’ exploration of professional possibilities and join the Kenyon Network on LinkedIn.

Next-Gen Kenyon
No one knows Kenyon better than our alumni. Do you know a high school student for whom Kenyon might be a good fit? Sing out! Tell us about them and help recruit the next generation of students to the Hill.

Stay in Touch
Have you moved or changed jobs? Don't miss out on the next issue of the "Alumni Magazine" or invitations to Kenyon events happening in your area. Share your contact information with Kenyon. Use the button below to send us an update.

Follow Us
One of the most important ways you can help Kenyon is to be an informed member of the Kenyon community. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel to keep up on all the Kenyon news.
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for other ways to be closely involved with Kenyon? Learn more about Reunion Planning committees, Alumni Council and the Kenyon Fund Executive Committee, or check the alumni site for more opportunities.